How to clean windows without streaks?

There are a few simple tricks to clean the window in such a way that there are no streaks. What?

Choose the right time of day – it’s best to wash windows on a cloudy day or early in the morning when there is no direct sunlight. The sun can accelerate the drying of the detergent, which increases the risk of leaving streaks on the surface of the window. For this, prepare the right cleaning agent – it is best to use special detergents for cleaning windows. There are special means that do not leave streaks! Alternatively, you can use a solution of water vinegar or dishwashing liquid diluted in water.

To clean the windows, we recommend using a soft cloth or sponge, preferably specially designed for cleaning windows. Avoid using rough cloths or ordinary paper towels as they can scratch the surface of the window and leave fine fibers behind.

Remember that the window is dirty from external factors and dust. Therefore, before we finally wipe the window, you must first remove dust and other dirt with a soft brush or cloth. This will help to avoid spreading dirt over the entire surface of the window. Apply the detergent evenly – after applying the detergent to the window, it is important to spread it evenly over the entire surface of the window, using a sponge or cloth. Avoid applying too much detergent. It will not help.

Wipe the window lengthwise and crosswise – after spreading the detergent over the window surface, gently wipe the window lengthwise and crosswise with a soft cloth. Avoid too much pressure and circular motions as they can cause smudges. Finally, dry the window by gently wiping the surface with a dry cloth or microfiber cloth. You need to remove excess water.

If there are still streaks on the window after following the tips above, try using a different cloth or detergent. Sometimes it may also be necessary to run the window several times to get a perfectly clean surface.